All right, everyone, now say it with me! “It’s not how dense you make it; it’s how you make it dense.”Good. Now with that out of the way, let’s explore how we can have exciting new buildings in our city that have a positive effect on existing architecture, and more specifically heritage buildings.By integrating heritage buildings […]
“The wrecking ball cometh.” These words (apparently) bring music to the ears of eight members of London’s council, given that they voted against designation of 759 Elizabeth Street (AKA the “Carling Cottage”) as a heritage property at the November 10th council meeting, the winning decision in an surprisingly-close 8-7 vote. A week before at the Planning and […]
Thank goodness for today’s break from Winter: it gave me the opportunity to swap out the all-seasons for proper winter tires (the November squalls caught me unawares). If you drive, make sure you have your vehicle properly equipped for our the impending snow and ice. Today’s respite will not last long, so I hope you can take […]
After a Thanksgiving weekend accompanied by spectacular weather (our family enjoyed a turkey dinner on my cousin’s patio – hope you took similar advantage!), folks made their way back to the grind this morning, perhaps not quite so ready and willing to work off the indulgence of the holiday. Though a shortened week, do not forget about your last […]
What a week Londoners have experienced in the realm of historic businesses. The Great West Steak House location receives a new lease on life and the Children’s Museum searches for a new home, while the Idlewyld Inn closes its doors suddenly and Kingsmills goes up for sale. The movers Moving into an historic building: Local marketing companies rtraction […]