Author: Mike

All right, everyone, now say it with me!  “It’s not how dense you make it; it’s how you make it dense.”Good.  Now with that out of the way, let’s explore how we can have exciting new buildings in our city that have a positive effect on existing architecture, and more specifically heritage buildings.By integrating heritage buildings […]
“The wrecking ball cometh.” These words (apparently) bring music to the ears of eight members of London’s council, given that they voted against designation of 759 Elizabeth Street (AKA the “Carling Cottage”) as a heritage property at the November 10th council meeting, the winning decision in an surprisingly-close 8-7 vote.  A week before at the Planning and […]
Most people know intuitively the importance of pollinators to the food chain. Pollinators include bats, birds, and primarily a variety of insects such as bees and butterflies: without them, about one third of our food would disappear. Bees in particular play a very important role, ensuring pollination of food crops and plants in the wild. The past […]
Taxes are nobody’s favourite. Most people don’t enjoy paying them and don’t enjoy talking about them either. Doing both is important, though. Since property taxes provide the annual budget for crucial city services, Londoners need to understand how they work and so we can discuss how to make them work better. There’s a brief video […]
In my last post I talked about London’s thriving biotechnology sector. Now, I’d like to talk about one of London’s other economic strengths, and arguably a more widely recognized one – agriculture and food production. London is geographically blessed in just about every way that matters to the food supply chain. When it comes to growing and […]